My Best Friends

I have lots of best friends. Their names are Zakia Hussin, Anis Rawiyah, Nurien Arynna Sesliza, Alya Qistina, Aida Bartrysha and Nuha Iqbal. My best friends and I are in the same school: ISSA (Intergrated Islamic School Shah Alam).

My best friends are really cool. I think I can trust them. Sometimes we do fight but in the end we will always stop fighting because we are truly best friends.

The end

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Oh Subhanallah! It is Ramadhan. Let Me share you some facts about this wonderfull and holiest month in Islam.

Ramadhan is the ninth of the Islamic calender year. It is the month of fasting and the month in which the Qur'an was revealed. It was so named because it originally fell in the height os summer with days on intense heat. Ramadhan is derived from the Arabic verb ramad, which literally means to bake a sheep in ite skin. Similarly, the fasting person living in the hot desert. In the same way, Muslims who fast are slowly burning away thier sins Mashallah!

The month of Ramadhan gradually rotates backwards through all seosons and months. The Muslim experiences the discipline of fasting under all kinds of conditions in all seosons. In winter the dayas are short and cold, making fasting much more easier. While in summer the long ho days make fasting more difficult. Autumn and spring brind an intermediate situation. All Muslims who fast for a period of about thirty four years, in one place, will have fasted for the same amount of time, no matter where they live.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Save Gaza and Palestine

Look at all our brothers and sisters suffering. One day ISLAM will get our victory back. How the Israelies kill and destroy Gaza and the rest of Palestine! Just feel their hurt - the cries of the babies, the screams of pain .... How children are separated from their families .... I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone, myself included, that eventhough these events are happening so far away, we must never forget them. Because we are brothers and sisters in Islam! We should help as much as we can - some of us are brave and have gone on the ships to send aid to Gaza, some of us have given lots of money and some have written about it. (if you have the opportunity, please read 'This Time We Went Too Far: Truth & Consequences of the Gaza Invasion' by Norman G. Finkelstein). If you are unable to do any of the above, please raise your hands in prayer and pray to Allah The Compassionate, to help our brothers and sisters. Another thing you can do, is tell your parents that you do not want to support the Americans. So, try to stop buying American goods - this means McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Apple Computer *sob sob - I won't be getting my i-pod ... at least until the Israelis stop barricading Gaza. My family and I have decided to boycott American products - this is our way of showing support for our brothers and sisters in Palestine.

Israeli troops storm Gaza flotilla

Saturday, May 8, 2010

My Mother

This poem is dedecated to my mother Nur Azyan Ismail.

My mother is like the sunshine for me,
She makes me feel happy whenever she is around.
I would like to eat her yummy food all the time,
Whenever she scolds me I know she still loves me.
My mother is like the sunshine for me,
She gives me advice that I would never forget.
Whenever I remember her giving birth to me,
I try to feel the pain.
And she will always be in my heart forever and ever,
I would always give my love to her.
I would do anything to make my mother happy.
Now what would you do to make your mother happy?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

One of the greatest gifts we have been granted is the ability to read, to learn and to follow the Words of guidence sent down to us by Allah, the Lord of the Universe. By understanding His words and message, we are then able to acquire Faith and knowledge of the unseen and to, thereby, understand the original purpose of our existence: to know and worship the One and only God of all Creation.

Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl was born at Villa Marie, Fairwater Road, Llandaff, Glamorgan, in 1916, to Norwegian parents, Harald Dahl and Sofie Magdalene Dahl (née Hesselberg).[3] Dahl's father had moved from Sarpsborg in Norway and settled in Cardiff in the 1880s. His mother came over to marry his father in 1911. Dahl was named after the polar explorer Roald Amundsen, a national hero in Norway at the time. He spoke Norwegian at home with his parents and sisters, Astri, Alfhild, and Else. Dahl and his sisters were christened at the Norwegian Church, Cardiff, where their parents worshipped.
In 1920, when Dahl was three years old, his seven-year-old sister, Astri, died from
appendicitis. Weeks later, his father died of pneumonia at the age of 57. Dahl's mother, however, decided not to return to Norway to live with her relatives, but to remain in Wales since it had been her husband's wish to have their children educated in British schools, as he felt they were the best in the world.

The Start Of Ramadan

"Fast when you see it
(the new moon of Ramadan)
and break your fast when you see it
(the mew moon for Shawwal)
And if the weather is cloudy,
Calculate it (the month of Sha'ban) as thirty days."

The Phases Of The Moon

The movement of the moon around the earth gives it different phases. As it moves, its shape changes gradually from a crescent to a full moon, and then it wanse for the remainder of its course until it appears at the and of the month curved and pale like an old date-stalk from a palm tree.

The Islamic Year

The Islamic Year are:

1. Muharam - the sacred month

2. Safar - the month that is void

3. Rabi'al-Awwal - the first spring

4. Rabi'ath-Thani- the second spring

5. Jamadal- Ula - the first month of dryness

6. Jamadath- Thani - th second of dryness

7. Rajab - the reverd month

8. Sha'ban - the month of division

9. Ramadan - the month of intense heat

10. Shawwal - the month of hunting

11. Dhul- Hijjah - the month of pilgrimage

the clock of nature

The journey to the sun determines the timeduring the day, the times of the daily routine of fasting during Ramadhan.

The Phases of the moon allow one to know about the month and its intervals. The Muslim calender follows the phases of the moon, more commonly known as the lunar calender. The months of the Ramadan fast and the Hajj (pilgrimage) are based on the lunar calender.

The lunar months have a bearing on the ebb and flow of tghe ocean tides. It is aso believed to affect humans behave. The word lunatic comes from the Latin 'Luna' meaning moon.

Friday, March 12, 2010

"He (Allah) created the seven heavens
one above another; no want of
propotion will you see in the creation
of (Allah) Most Gracious. So turn
up your eyes again: do you see any flaw?

As Allah says in the Quran

"To Allah bows all that is in the heavens
and on earth, wheather living creatures
or the angles, for none are arrogants
before thier Lord."
For Muslims there are certain requirements which have to be observed regarding the Kalimah or Shahadah. There are as follows:

It has to be repeated aloud, at least once a life time.
Its meaning has to be fully understood.
It should be belived in "with the heart".
It should be professed with death.

The song of children of madinah welcomed Rasulullah

The full moon rises from Wadha
To shine us all.
You gave us the light of your Faith
We thank you O Allah.

Studying the Qur'an and Hadith

Every Muslim should study the Qur'an and its maening to learn what Allah s.w.t expects from us. Everu Muslim should olso study the Hadith and Sunnah to learn from Rasulullah's example and follow his habits. This is the only was we can learn best Islamic Akhlaq and train ourselves in true Islamic Tahdib. It is very inportant that every Muslim learn this good habits early in life, because bad habits get harder to change as we get older.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Results of My Sports Day

No 1: Green House - Salahudin Al-Ayubi
No 2: Red House - Salman Al-Farisi
No 3: Yellow House - Hamzah
No 4: Blue House - Khalid Al-Walid

It was a lot of fun and my cool super duper parents stayed up all night making posters for Green and Red house (my brother Ehsan is in Green house). They made 20 posters for Green house and 20 posters for Red house. And then, my father distributed it to all the other parents of green and red house!!! Thank God i have them as parents.
My Mom kept wanting to make the posters all glittery and sparkley! Which I think is simply awesome! The posters came out really nice - especially when the sun shone on them. They sparkled like jewels ...:) They also bought some food for my friends (Double Decker crackers - and ofcourse they bought green packets for Ehsan's house-mates and red packets for mine). They are so cool, did I say that already? Also, My mom dressed up in green and my dad dressed up in red. They also brought my grandparents to help cheer for us.

Oh ... on to the other results ...:)

Best Decorated Tent:
1. Green House
2. Red House
3. Yellow House
4. Blue House

Best Battle Cry (this is where the whole house team has to perform thier house songs for the parents)

1. RED HOUSE (at last!)
2. Green House
3. Yellow House
4. Blue House

Overall, I had lots of fun ...eventhough it was a very tiring day. My legs were going to drop off!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Practicing My School Sports Day

You know, a lot of private schools have their sports day late, but my school which is I.S.S.A, is having it sooooo early that we started practising for it in February and until now! And what month it is now? March exactly!. I think InshaAllah, my Red House - Salman Al-Farisi will win this year. My house teachers are Tc.Kauthar (she is my favorite teacher), Tc.Norhayati and lastly Ustaz Akid. Alhamdulillah Tc.Kauthar knows my father very well and my father is also teaching in my school.
My father is sooooo creative Alhamdulillah, and we got my father to help decorate our school tent for the VIPs. I cannot share what he is going to do. It is a secret! Shhhhhhhhh!
So now red house has so many songs MashaAllah. And we also have the winners from last year for red house example like Iqbal he won the race and also like Ahmad what he did for battle cry was truly amazing.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Nani

She lives on an island with my Tuk Abah. She can speak Chinese and cook anything I want,
She makes the most delicious kurma ever,
And also spicy chicken soup.

She looks like my father and I look like him too. So we are connected.

She used to teach, and children love her. She is very strict and specific. My brother is afraid of her.

I miss her very much.


Sometimes I like to be surrounded by animals,
Like cats or birds or fishes.
I love to feel the softness of a kitty cat’s fur
And see the beautiful colors of birds in the air
And fishes in water.

A picture in my head

When you read you will get a picture in your head,
It always happens to me whenever I read,
And quickly I intend to make a story,
That is one thing why I love reading stories,
You know, sometimes my parents have to stop me reading,

I just extremely love it.

my grandpa

My grandpa is always funny,
He is so like Mr. Twiddle,
He really wants to help my grandma, but it drives her mad sometimes
Coz his ideas would be funny and silly,
My grandpa has a lot of medicine to eat,
But he is a very good man,

I love my grandpa.

Monday, February 15, 2010

My garden

I have a garden in my home,
There are tall and big bamboo trees
With two yellow frangipanis that my brother and I love climbing on,
And sometimes I imagine the branches would make stairs for me to climb up further.
We have two swings that my brother and I can ride on. And when I am fast the wind tickles my tummy.
Sometimes when I step on the path of leaves,I imagine I am crossing a river,
Every day I go to my beautiful garden,
I always hear a lot of chirping there,
Sometimes my family and I will eat in the garden and daddy would blow up a little cute pool for me and my siblings
My garden makes me feel at home.

My grandma

My grandma is the best,
She can cook whatever I want,
She makes me chocolate cakes when I was small and hungry for cake

She makes me feel like I am her sunshine,
I am her first grand-daughter

My grandma rocks my world.

my sister Elham (poem by Eeman and papa)

My sister Elham (a poem by Eeman and Papa)

She may be small,
Anday be a bit chubby.
She can only talk to people who feed her.
She loves food and pulling my hair and bullying my little brother.
And she is only one year and a bit old.

She is my sister and I love her so.