My Best Friends

I have lots of best friends. Their names are Zakia Hussin, Anis Rawiyah, Nurien Arynna Sesliza, Alya Qistina, Aida Bartrysha and Nuha Iqbal. My best friends and I are in the same school: ISSA (Intergrated Islamic School Shah Alam).

My best friends are really cool. I think I can trust them. Sometimes we do fight but in the end we will always stop fighting because we are truly best friends.

The end

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Islamic Year

The Islamic Year are:

1. Muharam - the sacred month

2. Safar - the month that is void

3. Rabi'al-Awwal - the first spring

4. Rabi'ath-Thani- the second spring

5. Jamadal- Ula - the first month of dryness

6. Jamadath- Thani - th second of dryness

7. Rajab - the reverd month

8. Sha'ban - the month of division

9. Ramadan - the month of intense heat

10. Shawwal - the month of hunting

11. Dhul- Hijjah - the month of pilgrimage

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