My Best Friends

I have lots of best friends. Their names are Zakia Hussin, Anis Rawiyah, Nurien Arynna Sesliza, Alya Qistina, Aida Bartrysha and Nuha Iqbal. My best friends and I are in the same school: ISSA (Intergrated Islamic School Shah Alam).

My best friends are really cool. I think I can trust them. Sometimes we do fight but in the end we will always stop fighting because we are truly best friends.

The end

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Save Gaza and Palestine

Look at all our brothers and sisters suffering. One day ISLAM will get our victory back. How the Israelies kill and destroy Gaza and the rest of Palestine! Just feel their hurt - the cries of the babies, the screams of pain .... How children are separated from their families .... I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone, myself included, that eventhough these events are happening so far away, we must never forget them. Because we are brothers and sisters in Islam! We should help as much as we can - some of us are brave and have gone on the ships to send aid to Gaza, some of us have given lots of money and some have written about it. (if you have the opportunity, please read 'This Time We Went Too Far: Truth & Consequences of the Gaza Invasion' by Norman G. Finkelstein). If you are unable to do any of the above, please raise your hands in prayer and pray to Allah The Compassionate, to help our brothers and sisters. Another thing you can do, is tell your parents that you do not want to support the Americans. So, try to stop buying American goods - this means McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Apple Computer *sob sob - I won't be getting my i-pod ... at least until the Israelis stop barricading Gaza. My family and I have decided to boycott American products - this is our way of showing support for our brothers and sisters in Palestine.

Israeli troops storm Gaza flotilla