My Best Friends

I have lots of best friends. Their names are Zakia Hussin, Anis Rawiyah, Nurien Arynna Sesliza, Alya Qistina, Aida Bartrysha and Nuha Iqbal. My best friends and I are in the same school: ISSA (Intergrated Islamic School Shah Alam).

My best friends are really cool. I think I can trust them. Sometimes we do fight but in the end we will always stop fighting because we are truly best friends.

The end

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Practicing My School Sports Day

You know, a lot of private schools have their sports day late, but my school which is I.S.S.A, is having it sooooo early that we started practising for it in February and until now! And what month it is now? March exactly!. I think InshaAllah, my Red House - Salman Al-Farisi will win this year. My house teachers are Tc.Kauthar (she is my favorite teacher), Tc.Norhayati and lastly Ustaz Akid. Alhamdulillah Tc.Kauthar knows my father very well and my father is also teaching in my school.
My father is sooooo creative Alhamdulillah, and we got my father to help decorate our school tent for the VIPs. I cannot share what he is going to do. It is a secret! Shhhhhhhhh!
So now red house has so many songs MashaAllah. And we also have the winners from last year for red house example like Iqbal he won the race and also like Ahmad what he did for battle cry was truly amazing.


  1. What a coincidence? Tc. Kauthar is my favorite teacher too!

    Go RED!

    -Uncle Gio

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Salam Uncle Gio,

    Of course Tc.Kauthar is your favorite teacher because she is your wife.

    Yes GO RED :)

  4. Opss,

    Somebody's face is all a little RED-ish now


